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Portfolio evaluation

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What is Portfolio evaluation

When was the last you evaluated your portfolio of investments? Does your portfolio meet your investment objectives? Are the investments all well diversified or are there any hidden risks? 
Our portfolio of investments represents our hard earned money and has many life goals linked to it. And while we may have built the portfolio over a period of time, it is important to align it regularly to our own objectives.
While we evaluate a portfolio it is as important to focus on the potential risks as it is to focus on the potential returns. Also, as we invest in different products and different investment types, the overall portfolio should be well diversified.
At ICICIdirect we can assist you in evaluating your portfolio that can help you realign. Our expert analysis will provide you with an unbiased evaluation of the performance of your portfolio and guide you on the next steps that you should take.

As a part of the service your portfolio will be analyzed on the following parameters :


•Asset allocation vis a vis the risk profile
 •Historical Return of the portfolio
 •Risk (Standard Deviation) and Returns of the portfolio based on the historical returns
 •Portfolio diversification and single stock/sector risk
 •View of the stocks/Mutual Funds in the portfolio

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